Students accepted to PINC program, first class starts in fall 2016

These are exciting times for those of us involved in the PINC program!

First of all, we got many applications from very motivated students and we have accepted a great group of students into the program! We will meet most of these students this week at the meetings we set up to meet with them.

Second, we are happy that the first PINC class will start in the fall. In this class, students will work on building an app for an Android phone to record and retrieve information about tick observations in the Bay Area. The class will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays fromĀ 12:35PM-1:50PM in Hensil Hall 245.

Note that this time and location is a change from earlier announcements, but a big improvement because we have a better room now, the class will be 2x 1.5 hrs instead of one long class late in the day and Dr Pleuni Pennings will be able to join the class.